Security and data management high on the agenda
“The move to a serverless and office less work environment means cybersecurity is now focused on the user and the endpoint.”
The New Satellite Office
With many employees working remotely firms now have having many “satellites” offices and the potential for a host of remote security and privacy issues.
How Data Management Has Evolved
The issue at the forefront of forward thinking managers’ minds is not “how can I find more data?”
Remote Cybersecurity Checklist
The reality most employees are less cyber secure at home than at work.
How the MiFID II review and Covid-19 are reshaping …
With certain aspects of the EU’s ongoing MiFID II review affected by the coronavirus pandemic
Emerging managers leverage lockdowns to streamline …
With two out of five investors looking to allocate to new managers in the fourth quarter, according to HFM Insights research[1], the optimisation of virtual proce …
Cyber concerns mount as HFs navigate new hybrid of …
As many employees begin to return to work, they are bringing the personal devices they have been using for months, and their potentially compromised security.
ALERT Microsoft 365 Outage Resolved
ALERT Microsoft 365 Outage Resolved
If Handled Correctly, Hybrid Teams ≠ Increased C …
As many employees begin to return to work, they are bringing the personal devices they have been using for months, and their potentially compromised security.
Driving into a Cloud-Based Future
There are many benefits the cloud can offer each member of your firm’s leadership.